How the Endangered “White Flowered Wax Plant” found around the Thrumster area, has assisted in our Branding

Did you notice that the Endangered “White Flowered Wax Plant” (Cynanchum Elegans), typically found around the Thrumster area, has assisted in our Branding?

Facts about the White Flowered Wax Plant and it’s Habitat and Ecology

The White-flowered Wax Plant usually occurs on the edge of dry rainforest vegetation. Other associated vegetation types include littoral rainforest; Coastal Tea-tree Leptospermum laevigatum – Coastal Banksia Banksia integrifolia subsp. integrifolia coastal scrub; Forest Red Gum Eucalyptus tereticornis aligned open forest and woodland; Spotted Gum Corymbia maculata aligned open forest and woodland; and Bracelet Honeymyrtle Melaleuca armillaris scrub to open scrub.

Flowering occurs between August and May, with a peak in November. Flower abundance on individual plants varies from sparse to prolific.

The fruit can take up to six months to mature.

Seed production is variable and unreliable. Seeds are wind dispersed. It is considered to be unlikely that a soil seed bank for this species exists.

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